Hit new reality dating show Five Guys a Week is set to capture the hearts of global audiences, following multiple format deals led by Fremantle.
Created by Label1 for Channel 4 in the UK, the series has now also stolen the hearts of TV2 in Denmark, plus channels and platforms to be announced in Canada, Norway and Finland who will all produce local versions of the show. Global commissions for the series had previously been announced in Sweden and France.
Recently premiering on Channel 4 in the UK, the series delighted UK audiences with the total number of viewers consolidating at 1.2 million the week after launch. The series performed as #1 in the timeslot for 16-34s with episode 2 performing even stronger, growing its audience and share +9% and consolidating at 1.4 million. The national press also fell head over heels for the series, with The Times calling it a “perfect, bonkers, classic” and The Guardian calling to “give Five Guys a Week the Nobel peace prize”.
Rob Clark, Director of Global Entertainment, Fremantle said: “The fact that multiple sales were secured before Five Guys a Week was broadcast in the UK is a testament to the show’s fantastic storytelling and authenticity. I’m so proud to see that UK audiences have fallen for the series, and I’m confident that audiences around the world will be equally swept away by its unique and simple concept.”
Simon Dickson, Co-Founder and Creative Director, Label1 said:”The popularity of Five Guys a Week in its launch territory, the UK, particularly amongst young viewers, is hugely encouraging. It’s a reminder that however challenging life can feel, viewers will always need to escape and feel entertained. Human attraction and interpersonal connections are what makes the world go round. This simple, heartfelt, laugh-out-loud new format has come along at just the right time for us all.”
Five Guys a Week transforms the first-date experience into the ultimate test of romance and compatibility, whilst putting the woman in control. Fast-tracking the ‘getting to know you’ period, one single girl invites five guys who are looking for love to move into her home and live with her for a week, all at the same time, all under one roof. Each day, she will have to eliminate one of them, whittling them down to the last man standing. But who will turn out to be her perfect match?
Five Guys a Week was created by Label1 and was originally commissioned by Channel 4 in the UK. Label1 have been part of the Fremantle family since 2017, when it took a minority stake in the UK factual indie. Fremantle holds global format rights.